Support the Altiero Spinelli Institute

The ALTIERO SPINELLI INSTITUTE FOR FEDERALIST STUDIES is a no-profit organization. It aims to contribute by all means, inspired by the teachings of Altiero Spinelli, to the study and dissemination of European and World Federalist culture. The Institute organizes seminars for young people, stages, conferences and events, it promotes research and disseminates publications. Your contribution is […]


The Spinelli Institute is managed by a Board of Directors that appoints the Director. The European Federalist Movement (UEF-Italy) is represented in the Council by its President, who is also President of the Institute. The President, the Vice-President and the Director represent the association legally. PresidentGiorgio Anselmi Vice PresidentGabriele Panizzi DirectorFederico Brunelli Vice-DirectorMario Leone Consiglio […]

Origins and activities of the Spinelli Institute

Isola di Ventotene panoramica

L’Istituto di Studi Federalisti “ALTIERO SPINELLI” viene costituito il 3 luglio 1987, nella sede della Giunta Regionale del Lazio, a distanza di poco più di un anno dalla morte di Altiero Spinelli per concorrere alla formazione federalista dei giovani europei e per approfondire e rilanciare le tematiche che caratterizzarono la vita politica e culturale di […]