Latina State Archives – Altiero Spinelli Institute of Federalist Studies

On Tuesday 22 December 2020, from 10 a.m., a meeting dedicated to historical research and multimedia communication with a closing debate will be held, organised by the State Archives of Latina in collaboration with the Altiero Spinelli Institute for Federalist Studies.

The event will be attended by Damiano Coletta, mayor of Latina, Carlo Medici, president of the Province of Latina, and Giovanna Pugliese, Councillor for Tourism and Equal Opportunities, Lazio Region. The meeting will include a presentation by Marilena Giovannelli, director of the State Archives in Latina, on “Using the database and digitised files of interned and confined persons in the Historical Archives of the Latina Police Headquarters” and by Libera Pennacchi and Elisabetta Ruscone, officials of the State Archives in Latina, on “Exercising and guaranteeing two fundamental human rights: protection of personal data (art. 8 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights), historical research (art. 9 of the Constitution). GAP, Illustration of the Sinapsi system”.Guests of the Archives will be Silvia Costa, Extraordinary Government Commissioner who will speak on “Recovery and reuse of the Santo Stefano prison.

Recovering historical memory through documents”, Mario Leone, director of the Altiero Spinelli Institute of Federalist Studies, on the “research experience on the documentation of the confined persons’ fund: from Altiero Spinelli to the Ventotene Manifesto” and Alessandro Capriccioli, president of the European Affairs Commission of the Council of the Lazio Region on “Ventotene: island of memory and of Europe of the Lazio Region”.

It will be possible to follow the event on the zoom platform, directions are provided on the website:
